Monday, December 22, 2008


靜茹&情歌 - 別再為他流淚 預購

i'll email you guys regarding the pre-order of this new album.
from what i know, the freebies are currently a poster and a cd single.

預購 starts on 24th Dec.

releases on 16 Jan.

pls take note that i'm referring to the taiwan version =]


Thursday, December 18, 2008

"幸福的抉择 I Do" - EP not available in SG

Hi guys,

Much to our disappointment, i received news this monday that the EP will not be released in Singapore. The EP's very limited and it's only available in Taiwan.

sighs =\

that's all folks.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

幸福的抉择 I Do


I've just sent you guys an email regarding the latest EP.

Do reply me asap if you want it.



the EP will be released on 12 dec, and the tracks are:

01 屬於
02 PK
03 還是好朋友
04 不是我不明白
05 way back into love

and yeap, i found out that sg will be releasing it too.. anyways i'll send the members the email again just in case...

Xiao Ying

Monday, October 27, 2008

24hrs too late...

We were at the airport. But, we were 24 hrs too late.

Due to the miscommunication with ROCK promo, we were at the right place, at the right time, but not on the right day. Till this moment that i'm blogging, i still cant believe it! I cant believe that we let JingRu fly back to taiwan just like that, without passing her our letters, without even a small chance to congrats her, rejoice with her and to bid her goodbye.
I simply cant believe it. It adds on to our already severe Fish Effect. Ugh. I hope she gets our 'messages' soon.
We bought flowers. We had this intention of buying a cake for her too. She did us proud, she did well in SHA. So much things we wanted to do, but we went off in disappointment. I guess, Jingru will be more disappointed than we are. We have been LOUD with out voice and LED boards all the time. This time round, everything was absent. We have been fetching and sending her all the while with our letters and photos. This time round, everything was absent. SHA she won big, but we were absent. =( We had so much to tell her today but we missed it. What other blunders can we make? Our hearts will always be there, till next time she comes, we will give her all our best.

This bouquet was meant for our queen and our queen only. Since we cant pass it to her, we left it somewhere in T3 before we left.
*To Jason, we know its really not your fault. Dont feel guilty le! We knew you well, we trust you.
The rest... Lets not get too emo over it anymore. Hope JingRu will get to know and understands.
We shall all be present for the next one. ALL.
Meanwhile, let Jingru's songs stay on 93.3fm charts longer...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Singapore Hit Awards 2008

Congrats to 静茹 for bagging the following awards:

- 最佳演绎女歌手

- 海外杰出歌手奖(马来西亚)


Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Ourvoicebox.SG report on Jingru's Autograph Session =)

To view the whole article ,
Click here to go !

Do explore their website as there are photos of the autograph session too.

To spread the fish effect, link them on ur blog too ! =)

~ Fish Effect ~ lalala

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

《今天情人节》 - 柔佛之旅



由于这次的宣传是在星期六,有不少在社会工作的朋友,在当天都有工作,所以我们 FishDream 便派了我们的男人帮 (Thomas, Kelvin, Jito, Jason 和 Wei),攻入”柔佛!

当天第一站是在 Plaza Pelangi. 当天静茹被受邀出席在 Plaza Pelangi 的 Cenosis 分行开幕典礼。剪彩后,静茹便开始了她的签唱会。 她演唱了三首歌曲, <<如果能在一起>>, <<会呼吸的痛>> 和 <<今天情人节>>.滚石也进口了台湾版的专辑。在现场买《今天情人节》的DVD live 也能够拿到《今天情人节》的海报。





唱完三首歌曲后,靜茹便开始在专辑上签名。当靜茹签完我们的专辑后,我们马上到 Plaza Pelangi 的门口塔德士直奔峇株巴辖的The Summit。



我们搭了两个小时的德士终于到了峇株巴辖。我们便在酒店入住,手续办好后,我们马不停蹄地走向The Summit. 由于我们入住的酒店靠近签唱会的现场,所以不到一回儿就到 The Summit 了。也没注意签唱会的时间是否有误,当看到靜茹出来时,现场所有人顿时都大声地欢呼,大声尖叫。当地歌迷很热情,尖叫得特别大声。





我们手举着LED 板 一边拍照,都非常忙。至到靜茹唱《会呼吸的痛》,我们 FishDream 的男人帮暂停拍照,一边摇着手里的LED 板一边唱着歌。之后靜茹便和当地的歌迷玩了点游戏。都是在演暗恋要告白,热恋求婚和要分手却的挽留。



玩完了后,就开始签专辑了。这次只有 Thomas 和 Wei 上去签名。靜茹除了签名和握手,还以诚恳的眼神,跟他们说:“辛苦了!跑来这么远!” 那一刻,听了那番话后, 我们都觉得很感动,跑来这么远也都值得!!!




Reported by Jason
Pictures contributed by Thomas and Wei

Our Valentine's Day !

签唱会的人潮 - 爆满!
签唱会的排队的人数- 多到看不到队伍的尾巴!
签唱会的销售情况- 卖到断货!



我相信所有的鱼迷们都还陶醉在昨天的甜蜜吧 =) !续上一次的“小红军”主题,我们这次也顺着静茹专辑,穿上了黄色!谢谢Fishdream的每一个成员那么的合作的从此面八方赶下来、那么的守次序!我们大伙都玩得很开心!

(4)静茹在新加坡没逗留超过24小时,也就只有唯一一场签唱会活动 - 好“赶”啊!

准备就绪- 把会亮的东西都拿出来!



怎么没有[我们就到这]呢? =P

留到最后的Fishdreamer ,在台前拍的合照!
我们等到每一个人都签好了才排队 =) [礼让精神Number1]

(1)安全问题:Barriades 没有放好,没有很成功的划分[933区、M1区和Fishdream区] 。当工作人员让‘大众’进来时,后面的人真的都使用你推我挤的抢位 =( 有一些人真的很没礼貌! (p.s 我们太斯文了)
Barriades 没掉算是相当幸运了。[比较下来,我本人还是喜欢碧山Junction8的次序安排]




期待新专辑! 期待、期待、期待~


Saturday, September 13, 2008


Updates regarding yesterday's autograph session will be up shortly. Stay Tuned.

Monday, September 8, 2008

New Club Banner !

This.... is our original hand made cloth banner .... photo taken last year.... ALL in red for chong bai ....
This is the NEW one...

We still keep to our own design cos its simple and nice. Just that, now it is a PVC banner. The old one we used to have is made of cloth and we painted it ourselves-Keith, Cindy, Xiaoying and myself. Jingru did mention before that our banner is striking, she can see from far away. However, after years of using it, it is rather crumpled and we thought we should upgrade to get a permanent one instead ...
Thanks Thomas for coordinating and looking into the logistics for this banner.
Thanks Jason for the sending of and collecting of the banner.

3 Stars / 4 Stars

Rating/Review about Jingru's Album.
Source: Sunday (7th Sept 2008) Zao Bao (SG)
*Scanning courtesy of Jason.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yes93.3fm 醉心客站


日期 星期 时间 艺人 形式
12/9 五 1800 梁静茹 现场

Catch Jing Ru on air next Friday !
Information given by : Jason

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

签唱会@ Bugis

Dear lil fishes ...

You would have received an email from Fishdream regarding the autograph session. (In case it has been sent to your junk, retrieve it back) Those who are interested in going down with Fishdreamsg, do reply to our email. New members are welcomed too !

Do refer to Fishdream email for further details.
10 more days to go ~

Cheerios !

*Meanwhile, do continue to vote for JingRu for POTP and SHA online voting.


Monday blues from work and study ?!
Muahahahaha wait till you get hold of a copy of any one of these !
It kept me excited the entire day when masie mentioned that the dvd-s are out =)
Thanks mas for helping us to grab it.
Thanks Jason for providing the photo(s).

Go go go .... go grab it!
I've watched it le ! (I want the choochoo train....ha)

Enjoy! See all of you on the 12th Sept !
(*P.s/ those with the limited edi, u can choose to open and check, Suchin says there are some defects from their side and tw side .... but then she did mention too that we might not be able to do anything even if there is defect(LOL) , so all the best ya?! I decided that I am not going to open mine to check le)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Online Voting - Most Popular Female Singer @ Yes93.3fm

线上投票期限 – 2008年9月1日早上10点至9月21日晚上11点59分。

Cast your votes now ! Get everyone to do so too !
40% based on online voting!

Jia you!


Sunday, August 31, 2008

~ Autograph Session ~ (Details)

梁靜茹’今天 情人節’簽唱會
日期: 9月12日(星期五)
時間: 7pm
地點: Bugis Junction, Bugis Square Level 1

靜茹的‘今天 情人節’ CD Live 專輯 is out in all music stores now!
DVD 專輯將會在9月2日發行(This coming Tuesday)
Cya there!
Get your copy of Jingru's CD & DVD now !

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Re-activation =)

Heyo people ~

... Its time to ...
Vote !

Do push the 2 new Jingru's song - 满满的都是爱 , 如果能在一起 onto the YES93.3fm Long Hu Bang charts !
Let the fish effect spread across Singapore.
Hope that the effect will be contagious to everyone before JR comes here for promotion.

JR's Today Valentine's concert DVD will be out later this month too! Stay tuned! (Antennas' up)
Jia you le !


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fish's New Song On Air

yes peeps, jing ru's new song, 满满的都是爱, will be aired on YES 93.3 fm tomorrow (24th July 08) during 周先生与周太太 (6pm - 9pm).

please help to vote for the new song too! =D

thank you guys for helping out in the voting =]

fish effect~


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Y.E.S. 93.3FM金曲权威25的25位最具代表的歌手

经过一番的网上和专业人士的投选,Y.E.S. 93.3FM金曲权威25的25位最具代表的歌手已出炉。
* 排名不分先后.

费玉清 陈洁仪 孙燕姿 周杰伦 梁静茹
刘文正 张清芳 张信哲 小虎队 S.H.E
巫启贤 梁文福 周华健 林忆莲 蔡依林
陈淑桦 王杰 刘德华 张学友 王力宏
姜鄠 伍思凯 王菲 郑秀文 林俊杰

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fish Leong 2008 Taiwan Concert

7 June 2008 is a special day this year. HAAZ

it's not only the start of the Euro 2008, but it's also the day jing ru's gonna hold her taiwan concert =D

many thanks to KC who provided me the info on the upcoming tw concert.
well she's only informed of the date, so we nuts about where it's gonna be.
she'll keep me updated tho.
any updates, i'll most prolly post it here =]

FD members should have received an email which i've sent about 2 days ago. interested parties please reply to it =]

if you've any questions, just drop us an email

cheers & regards,

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

MTV 百大发烧金曲 票选活动

Jing Ru has 4 songs nominated for this. they are:

C'est La Vie

please help to vote =D

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Vita Magazine, Taiwan

Click on images for bigger view.

Thanks to Thomas for sharing! =D

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

早报 爆米花 一月九日 - Zaobao POP 9th January 2008

Click on image for bigger view.

Thanks to Jason for the info~ =D

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


想念是会呼吸的痛 他活在我身上所有角落 ~



星期天 - JB - The Zon 之旅

大伙的第一站,我们到了City Square 集合。一起享用了很"Potato-ie"的午餐。(Kenny Roger)

Ta Da ! 看到我们开心的笑容了吗?大家那自然流露的灿烂笑容证明了我们有多想见静茹一面!



我们大约5.30 从City Square 出发到The Zon.谢谢美美,让我们女生们做你的车!我们到了之后就直接往签唱会会场“奔”去。谢谢马来西亚Fanclub的Joann。还好她事先已经通知了大马滚石唱片的宣传人员要多加照顾。所以啊,我们的位子不错,在第四以及第五行。



可能有一点点暗。我们没想到会使户外的、再加上因为演唱会刚过很多led都在维修,所以没有触动所有的LED版。可是我们的声量还是一样的宏亮!3 Cheers for Fishdream!

Fishdream 之光!思韦代表我们上台唱歌!他也不忘介绍我们是从新加坡干下来的。(哈哈,这才是重点)。他选唱了我们很多人的最爱、同时也是他自己的最爱 -- 《会呼吸的痛》。我们是团结的。当阿韦在唱时,我们又一起哦!我们也用大大声地为他打气!思韦不只很爱演,也很会唱。即使要去当明星?Fishdream也一定会挺!

静茹~ Melts... 他可是对准了我们的镜头笑哦~ 静茹~


我们的Cest La Vie大合照 @ The Zon.

这一次我们大家很High!静茹在签专辑时,我们学聪明了、都不去排队。我们喜欢走最后!在等待的当儿我们是不会浪费时间的!我们跟着现场所在播放的歌曲,随着高唱了起来。也许静茹听不见我们的歌唱、也许静茹看不到我们的舞动,但我们是满足的。也许就如静茹所说的一样,往往我们去接、送机,只要看到静茹就满足了。一样的道理 =),只要我们玩得开心、只要是为了静茹所做的一点点小事,我们也都会很满足。

这一次过后,真的得等上好久好久 =( 希望静茹能常常来!所以啊,大家!我们在等静茹在来临之前,我们得把静茹的Fish Effect 发扬光大!





3) Cest La Vie






3)谢谢Fishdream Singapore 所有海底世界的“鱼”
(Puff-fu鱼、墨鱼、八爪鱼、滑雪鱼、金鱼、咸鱼、江鱼仔、美人鱼、Couple Fish 和 Cripsy Fish.)



大家辛苦了!好好歇息! (不过别忘了在Y.E.S933fm的龙虎榜冲刺!)
Stay Tuned for more Fishdream Events. We should stay close even when Jingru is not in town! =) Looking forward to next gathering.

Fishdream Singapore
锦瑜 报道

i Weekly Issue No. 532, Page 17 - i 周刊

Click on image for bigger view