Monday, December 31, 2007

我们的情人节 (Updated)

12月29日2007 梁 静茹 《今天情人节》演唱会在新加坡室内体育场掀开序幕

~你的姿态 你的青睐 我存在在你的存在~

一首很有张力的《崇拜》、一把很宏亮悦耳的歌声、一位清秀漂亮的歌手慢慢升起。8000多人带着想环游世界的愉快心情 ,开始了我们精彩、浪漫、感性的情人节。

这一次和两年前一样 -- Fishdreamsg选择了在最后要开场时,才浩浩荡荡的走进会场。我们又再一次出动红军团,一同唱着正在播放的《101》,走到我们的座位。进场时周围人的眼光都落在我们身上。我们抱着‘要来就要豁出去’的精神!




Tada ! Fishdream ~ 我们永远为静茹而发亮着。

这一次静茹很巧妙地以《崇拜》和《丝路》这两首有爆发力的歌把全场的人吸引住了。真是叹观止矣的开场方式。除此之外,静茹还唱了轻快的组曲 -- 《我喜欢》、《一对一》、《瘦瘦的》 和 《彩虹》轻快版。节目很紧瞅,一唱完组曲,除了天空下起了五彩缤纷的气球雨以外、台上更是以烟花来衬托演唱会的气派!观众们的情绪也在一开始就高昂了起来!我看制作组在开场那一方面可说是下足了功夫。(能感觉到他们在营造气氛的心思)有了那么赞叹的开场方式,你能不陶醉吗?你能不感动吗?你能不投入吗?我相信他的出现应该有让在场的每一位屏住了呼吸。由于这一次的主题是一五大城市为主,所以我们跟随着静茹漫游世界。


紧接着,我们就看到了巴黎铁塔。C'est La Vie ~ 清纯的歌曲配搭上浪漫的巴黎的布景,是否给你一些什么意境呢?要我说嘛,恋人们是温馨幸福的。像我一样单身的,我想应该会想来谈的恋爱吧?如果还是觉得不够,没关系!这一次制作单位也特别安排了真心话大告白的小短片。听着甜甜的告白,我想不觉的甜蜜也难。据了解,我们Fishdream的Jason正好就坐在其中一对大告白情侣的后面。当女主角看到和听到男主角的告白时,马上兴奋的“啊”了一声,然后就抱在一起了。听起来还真是很可爱呢!

演唱会到这里差不多也唱了13首歌了,唱的大多都是比较轻快的歌曲。曲目安排得不错。在浪漫的告白后,渐渐的静茹放缓了步伐把我们带入了更深一层的情感世界。静茹用了感动度绝佳的《一夜长大》,以歌声走进我们的心坎里。除了自己的歌曲,静茹也诠释《红豆》、《为你我受冷风吹》和《知足》。最后静茹也采用了一首催泪的歌 -- 《可惜不是你》 来结束这一段感性的环节。Unplugged的方式唱出首首扣人心弦的歌,全场的人都陶醉了。荧光棒挥少了,也忘了跟着静茹一起唱。就只是静静地、仔细地、感动地听着静茹那富有感情的清晰嗓音在唱着。你落泪了吗?


是不是想不到静茹接下来还有什么法宝呢?这场演唱会惊喜连连,下来的环节当然会越演越精彩啦!因为……摇滚风来了! 一听到《一秒的天堂》,我们大伙把自己疯狂的一面拿了出来。连挥着荧光棒的力道也增加了好几倍。随着那么好的互动,静茹多来一首“你是火 你是风”的《燕尾蝶》。要不是做的位子有所限制,我看很多人早就站在椅子上了。乐到忘我的地步。


每当我们在享受的时候,时间总是飞逝得非常快。静茹不忘了以《原来你也唱过我的歌》来答谢所有的歌迷,所有喜欢她的歌,所有在世界每一个听得到他的人。听到这首歌,不免让人猜疑演唱会是否接近尾声。谁知道我这么一想,就真的到了最后一首。静茹说最后一首歌的时候,我真的大大声"HUH?!" 了一声! 我根本没想到那么得快!



后来,听到了《宁夏》的过门,我们大伙的眼睛都凝视舞台。静茹和我们一样,以一身红TShirt再一次出场。静茹也唱了《孤单北半球》。听到这首歌时,大家会不会有种时光倒流到两年前的感觉呢?两年前静茹特别只在新加坡《爱的大游行》上唱。接着静茹也唱了恩师的《诱惑的街》还有林忆莲的《伤痕》。两首歌曲都超棒的!在我们的要求下,虽然键盘手没有练过,静茹也清唱了一小段的《夜夜夜夜》。一首我们在《Time&Love》演唱会中被感动至今的歌。我想、我看、我听,大家都很喜欢听静茹的清唱!只有静茹的歌,能让人听得那么感动,那么得不想离开。之后有人喊着想听《憨过头》不过静茹听成了《黄飞鸿》。想想看,其实听起来还挺像的呢!这也难怪静茹会听错啦。在一些的哈啦后,静茹唱了同样很出名的《第三者》。为了一直喊着不够的我们、那贪心地想听全部的我们,静茹也为我们唱了一首英文歌《Moon River》。


最后,这次真的是最后了。静茹唱了一首很唯美的《三寸日光》。 “希望我爱的人健康 个性很善良 大大手掌能包容我小小的倔强~”慢慢地,就看不到静茹的倩影了。




演唱会后,我们大伙给我们会里的小妹 -- Ruimin,简单的唱了首生日歌。可惜预先录好的没能在演唱会上播放。Ruimin ~ 不好意思。

谢谢静茹的一句:“刚才你们很大声。” 这句很重要不是因为我们要领功劳还是什么的,而是给我们一种“静茹听到了、静茹感受到了”的一种安慰。




我们的心依旧留在演唱会上的点点滴滴。穿着演唱会的周边衣服,带着舍不得但又愉快地心情到机场送机。我们也在机场耗上几个钟头 ,看了看手表,我们一直到静茹抵达了台湾,我们才离开机场。


“好想每天用咖啡香 不让你赖床~” 我们几个回到了第一大厦,就在咖啡香的空气中闲聊,等着静茹抵达台湾才离去。



1。 海外各地的鱼迷们来新加坡为我们助阵。

2。 Fishdream Singapore 的每一个你。没有大家的复出,就没有今天团结的红军团。

3。 Rock Records Singapore 为我们取得的每一个福利、做的每一件事。

4。 最崇拜的梁静茹。除了谢谢,还是那一句谢谢。



*Anyone with any photos and you dont mind sharing with us, please contact us.


I'll end the post here with the highly contagious Fish Effect In-fish-nity.


Fishdream Singapore
锦瑜 报道

Sunday, December 30, 2007

梁静茹演唱会 红色情调染红狮城午夜

Extracted from

Full article can be viewed here:

2007年的冬天,更是在年终的最后三天里,确切的说是12月29日,在这个没有季节分别的狮城,当年的情歌小天后梁静茹在新专辑刚刚发行不久,继05年后,第二次来到新加坡室内体育馆举办个人演唱会,并与她的忠实歌迷及所有的情侣一起抢先度过还未来到的2008年情人节。而早前梁静茹在发行新专辑《崇拜》时,因机缘巧合遇到一位神算指点如“见红更火”,因此专辑这次以红色为主,也让专辑一发行就一路飚红,加上又逢圣诞新年期间,红色喜气迎人,因此在演唱会上,她也希望大家能够穿上红色衣服, 一起感染这喜庆气氛。这一次虽然没有了师兄周华健的护航,却有了白马王子阿信的拔刀相助,更透过静茹首首动人情歌与他挑红天边的那道霞,共度红色浪漫情人节。

印尼华人坐轮椅奔赴新加坡为见静茹 本次除了一对对的红色情侣让我们感受了静茹这尊爱情佛的佛法,更有她在印尼的粉丝亲情助阵,其中一位竟然坐着轮椅还专程从印尼飞到狮城就为见到心中偶像。问及愿望,只表示希望静茹演唱会成功。让人顿时为人间真情所动。

频现孕妇粉丝 享受浪漫也为胎教 今晚的室内体育场,满是红色,可就在红色中间,很容易让我们注目的就是孕妇,她们很多都应该快到产期,却还挺着大肚子来到这里,她们除了为见偶像一面,认真地说是为了胎教。

新传媒艺人林梅娇和家人支持静茹 女儿唱尽静茹所有的歌 在前排的中间我们看到了新传媒艺人林梅娇和家人一起来为静茹助阵,并告诉我们女儿能唱静茹所有的歌曲,女儿更是现场为我们演唱了她最喜欢的一首歌,由于太紧张竟然脸部抽搐,尽管如此,她还是坚持的唱给我们听,可见她确实太喜欢静茹了。 静茹此次向周华健学习要唱过午夜 这场约会是以《崇拜》开始的,后来一首接一首,从《亲亲》、《暖暖》、《Fly Away》一直到唱了三首翻唱歌曲王菲的《红豆》,林忆莲的《为你我受冷风》还有五月天的《知足》,静茹绝不偷懒,让歌迷过足了瘾,之间可见歌迷都坚持不住了,一趟趟的跑厕所,可是静茹硬是将整场演唱会挺到最后。而中间和阿信的一首合唱《拥抱》让歌迷如痴如醉,现场一对对情侣已是背着浪漫团团包围,之后阿信独自献唱一首《温柔》激起了现场的信迷,尖叫不断。

Please refer to for photos.

Vid about the concert(by can be viewed here:

Group Pictures Download Links

Hi guys!

Sorry for the delay. I know ALL of you are anxiously awaiting to get your hands on your group photos with 静茹! For some of the pictures, there's a slight blur. This is not due to the camera, but the user. Please click on "Download Links" to get the FULL ORIGINAL picture(s). So without further delays, here they are:

Download Link

Download Link

Download Link

Download Link

If any links are broken, please leave a message @ the message box. Thanks and enjoy~

Saturday, December 29, 2007

今天情人节 2007

Hello guys!

Finally, the day that we have all been waiting for.
Today is our Valentine's Day!

Have you practiced your songs? =P

Members please take note of the following:

- Bring your concert tickets XD

- Bring an extra $4 for club fund (light sticks and other miscellaneous stuff)

- Bring 2-4 AA Batteries (preferably Energizer) for the LEDs. We need ALOT of batteries!

- Wear RED!

- Bring anything that makes an awful lot of noise

- Gather near the stage after the concert as we would be taking a group photo

Some of us would be meeting at Kallang MRT at 3.45pm - 4.00pm. If you do not mind going early, please join us. If not, please make your way to the Indoor Stadium. Those who ordered the concert merchandise, please reach early so that your merchandise could be handed to you.

See you all later~~ WOOHOOOOOOO~~~ 静茹~

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Citta Bella Jan 08 Issue - 都会佳人 08 一月 刊

Click on image for bigger view

Digital Life - 25th December

Merry X'mas everyone!

Friday, December 21, 2007

zaobao NOW 21st December - 早報 現在 十二月二十一日

Congrats to 靜茹 for getting the 傑出青年 award!

Click on image for bigger view

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Concert Merchandise

hello everyone
just like Love Parade, this time round there'll be some concert merchandise for Today's Our Valentine's Day too.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
black tee

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
red tee 01

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
red tee 02

the tee comes separately, and the 4 folder comes in a set =]
members, if you're interested in getting them, please get to me via my msn/hp asap.

xiao ying

Friday, December 14, 2007

mypaper 14 December - 我報 十二月十四日

Special Guest for the concert is 阿信 of 五月天

Click on image for bigger view

Remember to wear RED for the concert!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


*Information from our partner-club (myfishome, m'sia)


Fish Effect is still lingering inside ur hearts and minds?

Need a boost from the sight of Jing Ru ?

Now here's ur chance.

Since the event is in January, i guess it would only be possible for us to target and to attend the JB session. According to, The Zon is 2km away from the SG-M'sian Causeway. Interested members do email us for more details. We can go as a group. (Ski had made a search about that place, dont worry we wont get lost.)

We might need to exchange for tics prior to the session.
1 CD is subjected to 2 Tickets.
(Exchanging of tics to be done in M'sia.迷朋友们可到邻近的SPORTS TOTO M'sia 分行直接索票)

MyFisHome(M''sia FC) will give us more details regarding the tics later.

(FD members : Do email to let us know earlier if you are interested.)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Remaining Candids ~

Just thought that besides the big red group photos, candids are well taken too. The other time my report was written short of photos(somemore with many typo errors =.= ) , so today just post a few photos up =). Anyone who has taken any nice shots and dont mind to share .. heh heh . Please zip it, upload to some engine website and give us the link! 18 more days to concert. Wooo hooo ... ! Meanwhile we shld sustain Chong Bai's ranking on 93.3fm charts. Press on!

I cant remember who is the person who cut out this word. It was nicely done sia...Eh wait a min...Who is the man behind the "Chong" ? Well, its 很爱演的 Ski. The red "chong bai" wordings we had for our placards reminded me of Chinese New Year :P

Our final rehearsal in front of "da jie da". Now ... who is the person behind the "fish" star? It is so coincidental that it is none other than the 很爱演的 Ski.

Giving each other morale support ! No matter how nervous we are, HUAT ah... Go and 豁出去.
(Eh actually i think we were having our final rehearsal for the games section... look at our hands... our FISTS. )Hmmmmm think we were acting out the"奔跑穿越几条街". Ski 演得很像!If there are any FD's award ceremony or watsoever, Mr Actor will goes to Ski.

I guess all of us enjoyed their performance. Its truly splendid and humourous. Well done to our 男人帮. Thesame clique of them started all these actions 2 years ago and now with the improved version. Nice !

The "深情缓缓" duo who sang the famous "Fen Shou Kuai Le".

Deja Vu... Fen Shou Kuai Le is a friend-to-friend song. "朋友的歌". It brought us back to the time we were hooked together and sing during the Love Parade concert. This time round, Today's Valentine is surely a much more impressive and many memories are waiting for us to create. Looking forward !

I did mention that the red placards remind me of Chinese New Year right? How about this? We were mimicking those "万事如意" or " 大吉大利" pairs of dolls we hang ard in the house during new year. We're the "崇拜静茹" ones.

Keith, also known to be "kid" in FD. (He used to be the youngest.) There he is taking the videocammie.

Part of our collection. Nice album must support and share !

After Sunday's event @ suntec, we went to walk round the wealth fountain. Then ... We spotted " ..... " . You should know what i am refering to. Ha.. Photo is self explanatory.

Thats all folks. 18 more days!

Monday, December 10, 2007

mypaper 10 December 2007 - 我報 十二月十日

Click on image for a bigger view

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wanbao Article 9 December - 聯合晚報 十二月九日

Click on image for bigger view

Fishdream BBQ

Before i start blabbering about the whole bbq, there are a couple of people to thank. These are the "backstage" people who helped to make all the arrangements within such a RUSH notification.

Representing everyone who went or could not make it, we'll like to say:

Thanks to Mas(ie) and Skiwei especially for getting all the small details right. The booking of pit, the buying of F&B stuffs and being the chefs of the night. (Not forgetting the LED too... Finally we have 1 "Fishdream" Led board.) I think the "lighting of LED" ceremony was kinda cute. Winks.

Thanks to XiaoYing for collating the "list" of people who are coming.

Nx time lets try Pot Luck.

Alrighty... Lets blog about the bbq.
We had our bbq @ Bishan (Ski's house). The weather was cooling fortunately. It only started to drizzle when we were about to leave the place. Food was adequate for everyone. Most importantly, we had Jingru's voice to accompany us the whole night.

We chatted, laughed, crack jokes(cold ones) , we sang , we drank and we reminise.

It was enjoyable.

Jingru, another 20 more days, we have a date with you.
We'll continue to miss you while waiting for you.

*Thanks to all who came for the get-together.
(Btw, Hui hu xi de tong is avail to K at KBOX.)

Photos later ~

Friday, December 7, 2007

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Join us! =D

hello everyone =D

if you haven't joined us, why haven't you? =p
be a FishDream member today to enjoy benefits.

here are some to mention:
  • Latest information of Jing Ru's events in Singapore
  • Entrance/tix to private events
  • Free poster/freebie, if any
  • Queue priority
  • Enjoying events/outings in a group
  • Front seats to concert
  • Getting up close with Jing Ru
  • Group photo with the singer herself
speaking of concert (Today is Our Valentine's Day 今天情人节) tickets, we've got some seats which are reserved for FD members.
members who haven't gotten the ticket/s and are planning to, let us know and get it from us.
non members, join us to enjoy this privilege.
*we've got limited number of tix so be fast =D

in addition, after the concert that night, FD members who attended would be taking a group photo with Jing Ru backstage! =D
this is opened exclusively to FD members only

before i end this entry, i hope everyone is helping to push 崇拜 further up the 933 醉心龙虎榜 too!
we've come so far, let's not waste our effort =]

oh ya. any queries, just email to


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007


hello guys!
there'll be a club bbq gathering in Dec =D
we can 顺便 practice 静茹 songs for her concert too le. muahahas

click on image for bigger view

Getting there (by train + bus)
Alight @ Bishan MRT, proceed to bus interchange. take 410(white) and alight @ the 2nd bus stop. walk straight and turn left @ the 1st HDB carpark. The BBQ pit would be behind the block of flats.

and yeah, i think those going can meet at maybe bishan first then we go to the location tog.

interested parties, please email us at asap, and we'll update u about the budget and stuff =]

Friday, November 23, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fish Leong Interview

Brought to you by

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Paper Interview 20 Nov 2007 - 我報訪問十一月二十日

Click on image for a larger view.

the RED event

想念是会呼吸的痛 …… 想见不能见最痛。

The Fish Effect is Formidable.


11月17日- 红军出动

Orchard Cineleisure K Union Tea Party 活动

为了配合《崇拜》专辑,我们这次特别要求所有的会员们都穿上鲜红的圆领衬衫。Huat Ah! (原本我们还想一起去卖4D,如果中了就当成是Club Fund。哈哈,不过最终还是没时间买。)

Tea party 两点钟才开始不过因为我们Fishdream特地准备了节目来‘娱乐’静茹,所以当中有几人提早到.(是为了彩排我们的节目)。表演者有:Jito,Thomas,Siwei,Kelvin,Keith,Pingping,Edde,Jinyu and Xiaoying。那班可爱的男生们还真的挺诙谐,尤其是Keith,他把Placards都举到翻了。至于锦瑜和晓莹呢,虽然常常有唱K,不过那天都很Shy。(因为偶像就在台下看着我们。紧张、紧张、紧张!)最后我们以一手朋友的歌 - 分手快乐,结束了我们的表演。原本我们大家不是很担心笑场,就是怕因为紧张而冷场。彩排的时候其实大家都不是很放得开。不过在正是表演的时候,简直是豁出去了!最后一切还算顺利。


1)会呼吸的痛 - (演出歌名)我们吸了一大口气然后表现得很痛。很容易就被猜到了。
2)迷路 - (演出歌名)我们拿了一张地图,四处张望,找不到出路。
3)我还记得 - (演出歌词)这首歌比较难猜得到
4)崇拜 - (演出mv情节)我们把静茹对着一面墙唱歌的那一部分演了出来。
5)明明很爱你 - (演出mv情节)我们把静茹加料进冰咖啡那一部分演出来。

*静茹说我们设计她,因为都选了一些非主打的歌。 哈哈。对了,还说了一句:‘你们很爱演’。当然啦,为了静茹,豁出去了!







《C’est La Vie》 ~

That’s our life!


我们看到了静茹,都忘了时间。我不记得Tea party到底有没有准时开始,也完全不记得几点结束。我们拍了一张大合照后,就依依不舍的离开了cineleisure。由于签唱会在4点钟举行,我们便赶紧赶到了现场。

老实说,当我们到达现场时,稍稍有些失望。我们没能排在第一位(Impact 的人排在我们之前。)不过!只要是静茹的歌迷,我们都很体谅。大家开心就好!支持静茹的人,都是我们的朋友。

Central的签唱会上,静茹唱了《崇拜》、《C'est La Vie》还有《101》。这张专辑的每一首歌都太有Feel了,我们都有跟着唱,只不过不忍心太大声的高唱。(其实Key也是挺高的,很难大大声唱,会破坏歌曲)感觉上这次的签唱会静茹的演唱似乎少了。专辑里的每首一首歌都像是主打那么的能够引起共鸣,静茹能够多唱一首《会呼吸的痛》那就太棒了(当场一定很多人落泪)。我们在签唱会之后,也来个Fishdream红军团大合照。看着照片里每一位笑盈盈的脸孔,就知道签唱会有多么享受。



我们每一次上普维都是很赶的。每一次都是在要开始了我们才到,这次也是一样。我们剩下一个最不起眼的角落头。不过还好,我们不必分散来坐。一到哪里,我们就准备我们的LED BOARD和Banner。如果要把Banner 吊在我们坐在的角落头,镜头一定无法拍得到所以我们便‘越界’。原本看到Danson的歌迷没挂自己的Banner,我们就想挂靠近他们,不过他们很没礼貌的骂了我们。我们不喜欢争吵,尤其是我们是带着“静茹个谜”的身份来看录影,更加不可以惹是生非,要保持形象。只不过是Banner嘛,我们顶多在换个地方。可以说是Blessing-in-disguise吧,最后我们挂Banner的地方很强眼。一个Camera一只会拍到的地方。(我们也很夸张,我们一共吊了4个Banner!)哈哈哈,当新传媒的一位艺人(黄慧)出厂的时候,一看就看到了Fishdream 的Banner就问静茹的支持者在哪里。也许他不晓得Danson也是嘉宾之一,不小心地把Danson的歌迷叫为Seaweed。哈哈哈……海里面用来陪衬“鱼”的“水草”。我们都笑翻了。


但是呢,最让我们自己叹为观止的就是当静茹在唱《崇拜》的时候。也许我们都深深地被打动着吧,所以当我们大伙一起唱的时候,也格外的有感情。我们的男生比较多,所以合唱的时候,很想Choir的Auto。(当成了歌曲的base。)可能因为在静茹之前,Danson的歌迷都在狂喊,到了静茹的时候,我们那么柔和的一起唱着,观众席的大家,都转了过来,看了看我们的Choir。 记得思韦昨天说过 “Songs are meant to be sung. We Sang.”团结就是力量!

看完节目后,我们都有习惯一起吃东西。和上次一样,我们选择了吃Roti Prata。虽然大家都很累,但是每当提起静茹的名字,我们情绪还是保持一样的高昂。我们也没留到很晚因为知道星期天还有活动。我们纷纷回家后,倒头就睡了。


Cenosis 这次也有活动,在新达成的Tropic Atrium。我们奇同吃了午餐,就赶紧到现场去霸位。哈哈!静茹在唱歌的时候,我们有留意到哦,静茹有一只看上来挥手。静茹也唱了三首歌—— 《崇拜》,《C'est La Vie》…… 还有还有《宁夏》。我们人稍不多,但希望声音有大大。嗯……唱《宁夏》的时候我们有大大声的在唱。台上Speakers那么多,就不知静茹是否听到呢?我们知道如何守秩序,所以我们也没追到静茹出Suntec大门。我们还是在二楼,一边说“静茹,WE LOVE YOU!" ,一边向静茹道别。



来匆匆,去也匆匆,但已足以让我们深深地感受到了Fish Effect的威力。想念是会呼吸的痛。12月再见。



谢谢Siwei(Ski),Thomas(masie),Kenneth, Darren 和Vincent for all the videos and fantastic photos. Our club knows that with the 5 of you around, we do not even have to bring cameras.

谢谢all the fishdream performers.
(Jito, Kelvin,Siwei,Thomas,Keith,Edde,Pingping,Jinyu,Xiaoying and 谢谢Sherry for the games section)

谢谢Fishdreamsg所有的‘红军’们。谢谢members for creating such wonderful and memorable history with us. Those who didnt get to join us, dont worry, there's always a next time.

谢谢Fishdreamsg的event coordinators (Siwei,Thomas,Jinyu and Xiaoying) for all the planning,brain storming, logistics and organising.





Fishdreamsg will be having a Pre-Concert gathering. A bbq get-together @ Ski's house(Bishan) tentatively set on the 22nd Dec 2007. Lets all celebrate X'mas together and have a ultra outdoor ktv ourselves.(eh no need mikes or system. WE are the choir ourselves.) Lets play Jingru song whole night as we eat.
More details will be released very soon.


Monday, November 19, 2007

KUnion Group Photos 17 Nov 2007


Group photo with 静茹 =D

click on images for larger view

Wo Bao article 16 Nov 2007, 我报 - 十一月十六日


Jingru @ Central & PSC Nite, 171107

Jingru @ Central

alternate link

Fishdream @ Cenosis event (Suntec), 181107

As usual, tons of pictures! Will take a while to process, so please check back frequently for updates!

Some of Fishdream @ Suntec for Jingru's Cenosis event. Click on picture for bigger image.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

still quite hyper now.

the Cenosis event took place this afternoon, will upload some pics later on!

everything went through smoothly.
团结就是力量 =D

Zao Bao NOW, 181107 - 早報 NOW 十一月十八日

Click on image for a better view.

You can also go over here to look at her interview!

Fishdream @ K Union, Central & PSC Nite


Did you enjoy yourself today? I'm sure you did! =)

Here are some snapshots of Fishdream in action. More pictures, including those group pictures and images of Jingru, would be posted after they have been sorted and processed.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The early birds @ K Union

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The stage @ Central

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Fishdream Group picture @ Central. Click on picture for bigger image

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Bright as the stars @ PSC Nite

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Feed the hungry souls! Dinner/supper @ Roti Prata House