Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
it's the time of the year again... Singapore Hit Awards!
although 静茹 has done pretty well on the charts, we still need to vote online to do our best into making her win the Favorite Female Artiste award.
visit this page to vote:
pls take note that an IP address is allowed to have 5 votes.
*edit* a set of particulars can be used 5 times.
online voting ends on 25th Sept 2009, 11.59pm.
all fields have to be filled.
well i guess that's about it!
just a few stuff to fill up and you can cast your vote.
let's hope 静茹 will be showing up this year =D
hur hur.
thanks and regards,
xiao ying
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
金曲前夕答應求婚 梁靜茹終於要嫁
更新日期:2009/06/25 11:47
本則新聞由NOWnews提供 2009/06/25
Jing Ru's getting married!
there are quite a few articles about it, well here's one from Channel News Asia:
'Queen of Love Songs' Fish Leong to tie the knot
Posted: 25 June 2009 1612 hrs
TAIPEI : Malaysian Mando-pop singer Fish Leong and her boyfriend of two years, Tony, are set to tie the knot. The couple could walk down the aisle as early as the end of the year.
According to Taiwan media reports, on June 14, Tony went down on bended knee with a NT$800,000 (S$35,000) one carat diamond ring and asked Fish to marry him. The proposal was a complete surprise to the 31-year-old songbird who accepted with tears of joy.
Tony who was first introduced to Leong at her post-concert party in Shanghai in 2007, said he has been wanting to pop the question for a long time.
"It takes a lot of courage to pop the question. I had the ring with me at all times and was looking for the right opportunity to propose."
Dubbed the "Queen of Love Songs", Fish is not only famous for her love-themed ballads, she walks the talk.
"I'm traditional when it comes to that [marriage]. I believe it is part of the natural progression of life," she said.
- CNA/il
and here's one from (2 pages)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
梁静茹乐当“情歌红娘” 最想撮合自己和男友
saw this 3-page article on jing ru.
read it when you're free XD
taken from
Monday, June 15, 2009
KL concert pics
last saturday, jing ru had her KL concert at the bt jalil stadium.
some of us had gone there to catch the amazing show.
MSN has some photos on it, check it out =]
Fish Leong Live in KL
Sunday, March 1, 2009
《别再为他流泪》 - 新加坡签唱会 2月25日
大伙从新加坡的各个角落,马不停蹢地赶到 Bugis Junction。由于下雨的关系,我们也只好在 Topman 的店面前集合。后援会的会员也渐渐的来到了现场。大伙也很“听话”,全部都穿了绿色!
在大约 6.45pm, 我们便跟着宣传,浩浩荡荡的进入会场!933 DJ 玛丽也上台“炒热”现场。我们真的喊得很大声!或许是因为我们很期待静茹的到来吧!雨也在这时停了.难道老天爷也知道静茹要来了,赶快停雨?哈哈!
在7pm 时,我们的《情歌天后》便来到了现场!我们都 high了起来!在我们的大声欢呼中,静茹便开始了签唱会的第一首歌曲《没有如果》。我们也不知不觉地跟着音乐摇摆,唱歌!静茹当天的宣传服也很漂亮喔!
933 DJ 玛丽于她访问过后,静茹也开始了第二首歌《别再为他流泪》。933 也请了两位933的听众,与静茹演唱了《PK》。我们也与参赛者合唱曹格的部分!
第三首歌是《崇拜》专辑的《会呼吸的痛》。这是她第一次在新加坡演唱这首歌喔!相信很多人都陶醉在这首歌吧!唱完之后,我们的Jason便献了一束玫瑰花给静茹。静茹还取笑Jason, 说他是不是正等有缘人,把那束花送给她?哈哈!静茹也对Jason说了声谢谢,并说她很喜欢玫瑰花~
献完花后,静茹便演唱了当晚的最后一首歌,《属于》,也便开始为到现场的歌迷, 在专辑的歌词本上签名。
我们也从 priority queue 那里出来,到了旁边等候。因为我们喜欢到了最后才上台让静茹签名。 在等候的当儿,我们也随着当场所播放的CD唱歌!我们(Fishdream 合唱团)就是要让静茹知道我们是最支持她的!
签唱会的排队的人数, 多到看不到队伍的尾巴!
我们在旁几乎等了超过一个小时,才看到最后一个排队的人!我们便加入了排队的行列,仅而有序的上台,与静茹握手和取她的签名。 DJ 玛丽也很会帮我们制造气氛,把麦克风放在 Thomas 和 Siwei 前,让他们过一过唱歌的瘾!哈哈!静茹这时也在旁边笑了~
静茹也为她所代言的糖"Impact", 在广告上签名,以及Impact的工作人员拍合照。
大家继续沉醉在鱼式效应里吧!我们六月在吉隆坡见! ^__^
思韋 报道
静茹 @ Mediacorp 星期三 下午
由于录影频频出状况,静茹等到有点闷了便在清唱了《会呼吸的痛》。“想念是会呼吸的痛,它活在我身上所有角落。”这段清唱真的会感觉到痛啊!静茹太棒了!等了又一段时间的静茹终于有开唱了!唱了新歌《没有如果》。 唱完以后, 录影便结束了。静茹去了后台。
Jason 报道
Saturday, February 28, 2009
静茹&情歌 Promos
It is perfectly ok.
Don't worry, it is perfectly normal.
Definitely Fish Effect acting up !
那……我们就在重温一次吧! :)
23 Feb 2009《校园Superstar》
庆幸的是,我们跑的跑、追的追、冲的冲、赶的赶,最终还有小部分的人能赶上了《校园Superstar》的录影。 在等待时,我们一直保持精力。不管是工作人员在暖场、或是其他学生参赛者唱歌时,我们都静静的坐在观众席上。当节目接近尾声时,我们突然心情高昂了起来!
静茹往我们挥手时, 她那“一个眼神肯定”,让我们都感觉到“暖暖”的问候。
看完节目后,大伙都好饿。我们一贯的作风就是一起吃“夜宵”。 这次虽然不是吃Pratas,不过也是在Thomson 一带的 Longhouse 吃。 然后我们都带着“满满的爱”回家去!
……To be Continued. (25th Recording + 25 Autograph Session.
~ 锦瑜
Friday, February 27, 2009
Fishdream Facebook
I've forgotten to advertise the Fishdream Facebook. Thanks wEi for reminding. I've added the hyperlink on the right sidebar. Join us there !
Big Thank You to those who bought the latest album and making the effort in turning up for the events =) Photos and "reports" will be up shortly. Thankies.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Jingru @ Campus Superstar 23rd Feb 2009
Here's something to wet your appetite, until Wednesday!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
静茹&情歌 Promos
Schedule for her events as follows:
23rd Feb 2009 (Monday) - Campus Superstar Recording.
Recording Time: 6.30pm
No. of Tickets: 30
(Therefore we seek your understanding that it is given out on "first-come-first serve" basis, through application via fishdream email.)
25th Feb 2009 (Wednesday) - Travel Show Recording.
Recording Time: 2.30pm
No. of Tickets: 30
(Therefore we seek your understanding that it is given out on "first-come-first serve" basis, through application via fishdream email.)
25th Feb 2009 (Wednesday) - Autograph Session
Time: 7 pm
Venue: Bugis Junction, Bugis Square Level 1
Dress Code: Green.
*Get back to us if you're interested in joining us for any of the events mentioned. We'll fill you up with more details nearing the promos.
Look forward to the fun that we'll share !
Friday, February 13, 2009
14 Feb Happy Valentine's Day !
The Queen of Love Ballads !
(Yes, i can see that you're nodding in front of the computer screen.)
Thats right! Fish Leong !
Starhub ch 56 realises that too !
Therefore ...
Glue urself to the tv screen if you dont want to miss it :
The making of Fish's album at 3pm.
Just in case that you're out there celebrating with ur beloved one ...
The repeated telecast will be at 11pm !
Happy Valentine's day !
Friday, January 16, 2009
Jing Ru's latest album, will be out on 16th Jan. (SG version)
there'll be a tw version too, which will be out on coming monday.